
Nati Khel (2016) online

The principle plot of Nati Khel looks at the husband-wife bond,the relationship between a man and a woman,the representation of adultery and a man and a woman's search for self in a web of complex relationship. Based on real life incidents ,the film is a stirring saga. Focusing on life in a tiny feudal village in Maharashtra, the plot of the film begins with 'Samba' being married to 'Parvi'. Later,he finds his younger sibling 'Mallapa' is attracted to her. His wife makes love to the younger brother .They are caught in the act by the elder brother.There is public humiliation. But after a Panchayat hearing , a match is arranged and she is declared married to both the brothers since that is what she deems fit.There is a sub plot of greed and avarice in which 'Kasha' tries to reign supremacy in a Machiavellian way. The film resonates with the theme of India's culture and socio-politics wherein morality is given greater emphasis. The personal is unashamedly public. The sexuality of a woman..

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