Senses- a mini series written & directed by Natalie MacMahon 3 episodes, black & white, German Three different characters who are living in the same building have one thing in common- they are all loners caught in their very own world who rely on the routine of their every day lives. But what happens when that routine stops? Are they able to cope or does their world fall apart completely? Anna, Martin and Leander experience life through different senses. To each of them one sense is especially important. Anna, a theatre actress starts an involuntary relationship with a stranger who makes her experience different sensations in her imagination while Leander can't wait for the days to go by, so he can close his Antiques store and hurry home to listen to his neighbor play the piano while he is having dinner. Martin, the third character, keeps going to the same restaurant for lunch every day, ordering the same dish until one day he is forced to make a small change, which seems to have a ..

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