
Pinky Beauty Parlour (2016) online

In India, unfortunately prejudice has taken deep roots in the form of an obsession with fair skin, especially with regards to women. Pinky Beauty Parlour is an engaging, entertaining, and a poignant tale of the repercussions this obsession for fairer skin has on a human mind, families and society in general. It is a touching journey of two sisters lives, Pinky and Bulbul, who run a beauty parlor in the by-lanes of Banaras, the holiest of cities in India. The story starts one morning as a dead body is found hanging in the beauty parlor. Police Inspector Jata Shankar and the somewhat slow Constable Sami Akhtar, starts the investigation in their own quirky ways, we enter a unique colorful world of a beauty parlor, and are drawn into a complex and engaging story of inter-mingled loyalties and insecurities. Also leaving a timely message for the audience to take home and chew on

Watch Pinky Beauty Parlour (2016) online


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