Guilt is a high concept thriller that follows Tomas, a man who joins a violent criminal gang in an attempt to get to the bottom of his sister's disappearance. As he delves deeper into his mission he discovers the darker side of the city and begins to wonder if his sister was somehow involved in its criminal underbelly. He befriends Ben, a young guy who wants answers about his father's involvement in the same criminal activities. Through his journey, Tomas discovers the brutality of his gang, and an atmosphere of evil and deceit begins to shroud the truth. With its chilling, pulsing soundtrack, Márton Jelinkó employs a gritty nature to his second feature, one that proves to be a combination of class and fine filmmaking. It's a thrilling ride through the city following the quest of a man who grows more and more desperate for answers. Guilt is a stand-out feature from Jelinkó, who, with long dialogue-free moments, throws us into a tense and suspenseful world

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Finding Her (2016)
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Bottom of the World (2017)
Drama / Mystery / Thriller / New Movie
Chuck Hank and the San Diego Twins (2016)
New Movie / Adventure / Action
Retribution (2016)
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Brush with Danger (2014)
Drama / War / Action