4K Unga Sophie Bell (2014) online Year: 2014 Country: Sweden Director:Amanda Adolfsson Stars: Felice Jankell, Hedda Stiernstedt, Iggy Malmborg Stars: Felice Jankell, Hedda Stiernstedt, Iggy Malmborg Genre: Drama After high school graduation, life is finally going to begin...at least that's how best friends Sophie and Alice feel about their upcoming move to Berlin. But these dreams are shattered when Alice suddenly and mysteriously disappears. Searching for answers, Sophie retraces Alice's steps through Berlin, leading her on a life-changing journey that will open her eyes to a world of independence. Shedding her inhibitions, Sophie will discover the beautiful, the sensual, and the poetic, as well as the brutal, the murky and the grim. Watch Unga Sophie Bell (2014) online