"The Exorcism Director" follows the story of a young and ambitious filmmaker named Sarah who is given the opportunity to direct a documentary about an infamous exorcism that took place in a small town. Despite warnings from the locals and the priest involved in the exorcism, Sarah is determined to uncover the truth behind the supernatural events that occurred.

As Sarah delves deeper into the story, she begins to experience strange and terrifying occurrences herself, leading her to question her own beliefs and sanity. As the documentary takes a darker turn, Sarah must confront the evil forces at play and fight to protect herself and those around her.

Directed by Joshua John Miller, "The Exorcism Director" is a gripping and intense horror film that explores themes of faith, possession, and the power of belief. With a chilling atmosphere and spine-tingling scares, this film will leave audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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