4K Eric Animations: The First Ultimate Epic Movie (2018) online Year: 2018 Country: USA Director:Henry Norton Stars: Teresa Gallagher, Zachary Gordon, Jennifer Hale Stars: Teresa Gallagher, Zachary Gordon, Jennifer Hale Genre: Comedy / New Movie The film centers Eric Animations, a 15-year old boy who lives a normal life in Go!Anipaulis, California, a city related to Go!Animate City, and near Los Angeles. However, Gozaburo Kaiba, a troublemaker and villain in Go!Animate City and Yu-Gi-Oh. Duel Monsters, his girlfriend Isabella and their villainous friends CoolBoy7750, Belly, The Go!Fag, and others, which are a team of troublemakers, villains, and Go!Fags from different TV shows and movies, called "The Villain Alliance", plans to seek revenge on the heroes and the good people who hates them, and always gets them in trouble, by taking over all of the media universes, including the fictional universes in the Media Multiverse, spawn grounded videos out of everyone, on top of all realms of TV shows, movies, comics, gaming and other media, and turn them into monsters. It's up to Eric Animations, along with his friends (Victor, Julie (Eric's girlfriend), Erika, PC Guy, Benjamin Santagati, and others) to team up with the good people, .. Watch Eric Animations: The First Ultimate Epic Movie (2018) online