Djordje Popovic (played by Slaven Doslo), young doctor from Belgrade, receives an anonymous call to meet his father. Up until that moment Djordje is strongly convincedthat his father is dead, nevertheless he decides to give in the adventure of discovering his own identity. He leaves for Montenegro and while travelling meets Lola (played by Vanja Nenadic), young kiteboarder, also a daughter of a police inspector, on her way to Ada Bojana. After many years of serving his sentence Nikola Popovic (played by Milutn Mima Karadzic) is coming out of the prison in Trst. He is planning a short visit to Montenegro, just to collect the hidden diamonds stolen long time ago from european jewelry stores. But what he is about to run into is an excitable reception from the police and his old partners interested in those diamonds, he is prepared for anything except to meet his son twenty five years after. On the other hand, while expecting the encounter with his father, Djordje could not forsee this ..

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