
Dream Lover (2017) online

Carter is a Graphic Design student in London who would describe himself as a bit of a loner. After a drunken night Carter takes himself off to bed and slips into a deep sleep. He's has the most wonderful dream about his perfect woman. He knows the person is just part of a dream and doesn't exist. But does she? Something in the back of his mind is telling him she exists. Carter designs a flyer trying to piece together a eFit photograph of the woman from his dream. Using the body parts from celebrities from magazine cuttings he does just this. He hands out these flyers all over London to try and track her down. Carter has an apprenticeship at a Graphic Design firm in the WestEnd and is invited to the staff Christmas party. His boss has booked a meal and Burlesque show. This isn't Carters type of thing so he tries to back out but is encouraged by his boss Max

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Carter & June (2016)
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