
Groove (2017) online

You already know Melanie Matthews. She's that cute girl with that charming voice who also might kind of need a shower. She doesn't know your name or your story and you certainly don't know hers. Yet you see her every morning as she serenades you on your wait for the L train. We call her a street performer, but she calls herself a "rockstar who just hasn't gotten her big break." Enter James Parker...remember? He had that one hit wonder we all listened to in high school. How about Sequoyah? The young hip hop artist who tried to sell you his mixtape at Penn Station. Call it fate, call it chance - Melanie, Sequoyah, and James meet and venture off together into the world of music. They finally get the opportunity to breathe fresh air and escape the subway trenches with the prospect of performing on a bigger stage: Groove, the coveted music competition held in Brooklyn at the end of the summer

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